We can help you.

To beInspiring.

To beExtraordinary.

About Ecleqtiq

eclectic (adjective) – selecting what seems best from different styles, sources or ideas.

Firstly – it’s not really about us but about you.

What sort of organisation do you want to lead, create or work in?

We deliver customised, focused support and assistance to organisations and individuals who want to develop and grow.  We believe that everyone has the potential to achieve extraordinary things.

We combine available data, evidence and expertise to deliver tailored solutions for our clients. Successful organisations are built on strong foundations.  In order to achieve sustainable high level performance you need to make the most of what you already have internally and to identify what you might need externally.

At Ecleqtiq we work with individuals, teams or groups to support them as they acquire and develop the skills and knowledge necessary for the business to grow and thrive.  We offer individual or group development solutions including workshops, one-to-one coaching, games and seminars.  Our leadership and capability development is delivered using skills gained through experience and a range of evidence based models and ideas.  We draw on research into leadership and management and use this to help our clients navigate through a world of opportunities whilst identifying and overcoming challenges along the way.  Our clients have the ambition to grow and develop, either internationally or within their home market.

Why not get in touch with us today.  We would love to learn more about your business and how we can help.



We believe leadership coaching makes a difference to those who experience it.

We offer qualified coaching using the Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI), one of the most widely used leadership assessment tools in the world.

Using the LPI you can learn how to focus on the behaviours that make a difference to individual and organisational performance and to create a plan for successful self-improvement.


It’s easy to say it and yet much harder to define. It’s even harder to do well. Strategy requires choices: what an organisation will and won’t do. It needs leaders to prioritise.

Can you clearly state what your organisation’s strategy is and how you will achieve it?

We use a proven methodology that our clients have found accessible and effective to help them explore their options and create a strategy that delivers.


Imagine working in an organisation where everyone’s potential as a leader is recognised, encouraged and supported.

We can help you to unlock the potential in all your people, to free their energy and creativity. 

We offer The Leadership Challenge®, widely regarded as one of the world’s most practical leadership development models.  It has helped thousands of organisations to develop and improve and can help yours too.


Are you keen to see your business or organisation grow? We can help you.

Our approach is straightforward. We learn what you want to achieve, where you think the challenges and opportunities are and support you as you explore options, make choices and implement necessary changes. We will ask tough questions when necessary and help you work through your options as the business grows and develops.


Do you know how to create and claim value? How to identify what others really want?

Many of us negotiate on a daily basis, within our organisations or externally. We have found that many clients have never learned how to approach negotiations in a way that can increase the likelihood of better outcomes for all concerned. We help clients to become more effective negotiators, both in the the UK and in  international markets


Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Whatever we do, we are faced with a host of decisions of varying importance every day. Have you ever thought about how you make important decisions?

Do you have a process to make sure that your decisions are aligned with your priorities? Why not find out how we can help you improve the way you make decisions.