“The whole concept of negotiating is intimidating to many people.”

Leigh Steinberg


Negotiation is a part of everyday life.  Many of us have to negotiate, either internally or externally, as part of our normal working day.  Effective leaders very often have strong negotiating and influencing skills.

We know that individuals can learn to become more effective negotiators and achieve improved outcomes for their organisations.

Our experience has been that many organisations and businesses want their people to negotiate more effectively and don’t always provide them with the tools and understanding they need.  Research suggests that in many negotiations the parties involved don’t maximise the value creating opportunity and settle for an acceptable but not optimal solution.

We offer cost effective negotiation workshops at introductory and more advanced levels that help to develop both organisational and individual understanding of the key concepts and practices required for effective negotiation. Our workshops are underpinned by research and practical experience and can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.  They cover theory and practice and are delivered using a mix of games, examples and exercises to help participants apply what they learn.  We also offer workshops tailored to the needs of clients conducting business internationally.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you achieve improved outcomes in your negotiations please get in touch. We would love to be able to help you become more successful, effective and creative negotiators.



Are you keen to see your business or organisation grow? We can help you.

Our approach is straightforward. We learn what you want to achieve, where you think the challenges and opportunities are and support you as you explore options, make choices and implement necessary changes. We will ask tough questions when necessary and help you work through your options as the business grows and develops.


We believe leadership coaching makes a difference to those who experience it.

We offer qualified coaching using the Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI), one of the most widely used leadership assessment tools in the world.

Using the LPI you can learn how to focus on the behaviours that make a difference to individual and organisational performance and to create a plan for successful self-improvement.


Imagine working in an organisation where everyone’s potential as a leader is recognised, encouraged and supported.

We can help you to unlock the potential in all your people, to free their energy and creativity. 

We offer The Leadership Challenge®, widely regarded as one of the world’s most practical leadership development models.  It has helped thousands of organisations to develop and improve and can help yours too.


It’s easy to say it and yet much harder to define. It’s even harder to do well. Strategy requires choices: what an organisation will and won’t do. It needs leaders to prioritise.

Can you clearly state what your organisation’s strategy is and how you will achieve it?

We use a proven methodology that our clients have found accessible and effective to help them explore their options and create a strategy that delivers.


We are sometimes asked if we are Ecleqtiq by name and eclectic by nature.

Our areas of focus are interconnected. We believe a sound strategy is of little use without great implementation. Great implementation needs inspiring leadership, excellent decision making and negotiating skills and committed, supported and motivated people. With a lot of hard work and perhaps a little luck we’re all capable of extraordinary things.


Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Whatever we do, we are faced with a host of decisions of varying importance every day. Have you ever thought about how you make important decisions?

Do you have a process to make sure that your decisions are aligned with your priorities? Why not find out how we can help you improve the way you make decisions.